Thursday, July 31, 2014

Al Green Covering Hank Williams, Sr. Is America To Me

Our future could be just this beautiful, if whites would just let it,...

Looking For Trouble? You Come To Just The Right Place

Sure, it's Geraldo, but TMR's been saying it about Drudge for a while:

All true but - on the other hand - it's not totally Drudge's fault people go nuts over red links,…

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Obama Wins Again: Will The Right Wake Up To Reality?

Saluting the inhuman approach to politics AND living

Drudge has finally admitted what was obvious from the moment this latest Republican "phony scandal" was proposed: 

The only thing worse than this embarrassing two-year string of losses, is the Right's delusional insistence they're still winning, just because the other side's not stupid enough to get in their way,….

Sunday, July 27, 2014

There Wasn't Ever One Single "Happy Slave" Because - Despite What Whites Thought - There Were Never Slaves

"With a few months of training, [Amelia] Lines had once confidently predicted, 'I can make Beckie do my work just as I want it done.' Beckie, instead, failed to do things her mistress's way. Moreover, she ran away. Yet, 'bad as she is,' Lines was willing to try Beckie once more if she were captured even though, she admitted, Beckie had never shown any appreciation for the lessons Lines taught her, or any intimation of a desire to please her mistress. But Lines had gone to 'a great deal of trouble in teaching her' and to give up on her simply meant 'going through the same trouble with a new servant.'

Friday, July 25, 2014

There's Reason Whites Don't Want America Understood

"Cousin Jane use to wait til master have company in missus big parlor and when dey be in dar jes talking and lafing she goes in dar, pulls up her coat tail over her head, shows all she's got and say , 'Marse, is you gwine whip me? Here I is."

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Yes! Good Things ARE Happening (It's Just Not Here)

400 years of white bullshit but they can't get a crowd this big for reparations

An example of what whites are supposed to be doing:

 Unfortunately, for some reason, whites always reserve their better natures for strangers, too. 

 Unless that stranger's a black guy selling cigarettes,…

It's About Time: America's "Mr. Choke Hold" Has A Face

Only police would find the required intelligence law enforcement requires reflected in that face

Daniel Pantaleo looks like one of those wannabe Soprano jack-offs, looking for trouble, until he found it. Now he's killed a man. Eric Garner. Allegedly over bootleg cigarettes. 

Then again, if you read slave narratives, whites have gotten used to killing blacks - for a long, long time - and over a whole lot less.

TMR loves slave narratives:

There's simply no way to understand America without them,…

America's Racial Truth Comes Out (Whites Hardest Hit)

“When emancipation came, the former slaves had taken our name as their own.”

There's a new book out, about a white American doing what no white American should ever do, which is study slavery:

"People" also say "ignorance is bliss" but, TMR wouldn't know,…

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Lies That Whole Foods Told (TMR's Told You, Too)

One of these things is not like the others - one of these things just doesn't belong

When a self-educated blogger can sniff out fraud better than most, by years, or even decades (Dr. Oz anyone?) it should be obvious our system of education is but one of those frauds, being publicly perpetrated, amongst many others. Like, take Whole Foods, please: 

You're now all "on the hook" for unnecessarily raising the poor's food costs

But - not to worry - TMR is sure those lies, at least, are "free range":

Vegetarian's reputation for honesty, and concern for human life, leaves much to be desired 

Because liars can't have a house - to trap us in - without building the foundation, first, right? Everybody knows that.

When white Americans become "enlightened" - hide your wallet, your knives, and watch your back

Except for these poor lost fools, who we hardly knew at all, because - thanks to NewAge "teachings" - they've never really known themselves:

Cultists never do.

They're just outlooks now, marketed appropriately, for purchase,…

The Guy Crack Walked To School With Explains Guns

"Like KRS-One says, 'You'll never have justice on stolen land,...'"

MLK Knew Better (Than Barry Goldwater Supporters Do)

“While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists,…”

The Conservative "Race Hustler" Is Where He's Needed

Al Sharpton, taking advantage of Eric Garner's widow, as conservatives always charge

Video Of Eric Garner's Life's True Ending Has Emerged

"This is what they do."

Surrounded by his harassers, who are the same people who killed him:

Keep your eye on the white cop in the green shirt, with "99" on the back, if you want to see how murderers behave after a kill,...

Driving In Russia (Is As Dangerous As It's Gangsters)

3 car accidents at a single intersection - one of which is outright criminal - and all in 30 seconds,...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

"My Concern Is With The Ultimate Fate Of Knowing."

The best dissection of the moon landing "hoax" ever created,…

Sarah Got Drunk & Said A Black President Can't Holder

Sarah Palin's been irrelevant for a while now but, today - maybe after nipping a little too much at the cooking sherry - she went on (what seemed to be) such a tipsy tirade against the presidentAttorney General Eric Holder, and their perception of racism in America, TMR's re-setting her 15 Minutes Of Fame Clock.

It's quite the sight, this woman - who's shown no insight or aptitude on the subject of race - lecturing two black men that they are, not just wrong but, trying to be deceptive by bringing it up. And naturally, she'd rather pivot to impeachment, because (even she has to know) we're aware there's no substance to her claim of understanding their motivations, making her whole rap a sieve.

Only the most ignorant of whites will get sucked into it,...


Whites have been supporting stop-and-frisk from Day One - well, here's their desired result, after what the man said was a lifetime of harassment

We all - literally - watched the NYPD kill a man:

Just as blacks, there, have always said they did,...

Whites Are The Racist Products Of A Culture Of Idiocy

It's hard to believe, any whites are sane, after centuries of this kind of fluffing 

 Some guy at The Atlantic got hold of an old textbook from 1906:

 And, what's incredible is, after being raised - absorbing views gleaned from such white racist nonsense - their kids (and grandkids) wonder why, today, everybody thinks they're also a bunch of stupid lying racists who can't stop being offensive to others.

Thanks, white America, for centuries of no education - and lying we now compete "fairly"!

But they told each other, later, black people had no books:

American Apartheid was simply a staging area for Hell,….

Stunning Demonstration Of What America Has Come To

After a lifetime of gorging on other people's efforts, she's finally decided to try and do things on her own,...

Israelis Cheer The Macabre (Which, In Itself, Is Macabre)

TMR is people are crazy - they don't necessarily "go" there,...

Dan Aykroyd's Worst James Brown Impression EVAH

But, as long as he didn't start talking about aliens, I'm cool,...