Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Year 3: Another Happily Haunted Homeopathic Holiday For Me!!!

"A physician/caregiver/patient relationship is the recommended approach for meeting the needs of the patient and family caregivers,...the responsibility for family caregiving is assumed disproportionately by women (72 percent) who are themselves elderly (spouses) or have multiple roles (daughters or daughters-in-law).

Physicians must be aware that caregivers as a group are physically, emotionally, and financially vulnerable and are often the "hidden patients."

- From the American Medical Association website

"Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries

Homeopaths are responsible for avoiding exploitation of their patients financially, emotionally, sexually, or in any other way."

- From the Society of Homeopaths Code of Ethics

"Avoid major changes in residence, jobs, or marital status

Major changes can be too burdensome during grief. Wait for about one year after the death of a loved one before making any major changes."

From the Elisabeth Kubler Ross website, Grief and Bereavement page. ("Dr." Wohlfahrt is, supposedly, keen on Kubler Ross's methods,..he just doesn't follow them.)

Thu, 30 Jun 2005 18:52:15 +0200

"I regret nothing,...My therapie is more effective."

- From Homeopath Robert Wohlfahrt's e-mail, to my ex-wife, after having sex with her - less than one month after he euthanized her mother - and one day before he knew she was returning to our marriage, which started unraveling immediately; our divorce following shortly thereafter.

"You're just saying that because you don't believe."

My ex-wife, Karine Brunck, when I explained exactly how homeopathy "worked".

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