Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There Is Nothing Written About Shadowboxing That Says You Do It With A Bag On Your Head

That's it - I've had enough:

I'm not posting any more anonymous commenters. It's not that I mind being criticized, or swearing, or anything, but I honestly can't stand the cowardice of anyone who'll throw a brick through a window and run. You want to say something? Put a name on it. It's that simple. Otherwise I'm going to trash it without even looking.

Sorry to those who want to send compliments, or just happen to be short on time, but, as usual, the idiots ruin it for everybody and I've got better things to do with my time than tending to the farts of the perpetually immature. I owe them nothing and I'm sick of acting like I do.

So here's the rule: put a name on it, or suck it up, or quite simply go away. I'm pretty sure there's somebody, somewhere, who's more than happy to hear what you think. But I ain't the one.

I'm done with you.


  1. Man, shut the fuck up! Stop being such a rigid curmudgeon and lighten up! Obama doesn't smile? That's because he's thinking of his Grandma, who died one day before she could see her grandson elected President....and because he takes the situation seriously. And Obama isn't part of any cult, and I don't think he tries to promote groupthink. On the contrary, I think he's found a way to promote dialogue between ideologies, rather than plow the other guy under with irrelevant bullshit (like the Neocons and religious shitheads). And furthermore, you are not a conservative, as much as you wish to be contrarian. More to the point, the self-immolation of the GOP has changed the definition of conservative in this country, and I don't think the term truly applies to Libertarians (who are full of shit in their own way) OR the "Republican Base/Palin Values Voters" (who are just plain wack). The lines have just been redrawn, friend-o, and if you don't recognize that you risk irrelevancy yourself.

    Other than that, good on you- and congratulations on the success of this blog. It is generating some supplement that with some light!

  2. No, you shut up! (LOL) Why haven't you called me? I've tried you like three times, and what do I get? Bubkiss. I got shit to talk to you about.

    O.K., first, congrats on the win!

    Second, how do you know what Obama's thinking? I swear, you guys go over-board with this shit. You win one lousy election (with the media's help) and even before the guy has served a single day in office - bam! - the Republican Party is finished! Whew! Such power! Winning 4 presidential elections in 40 years will do that to a guy's head, I guess.

    Obama's "found a way to promote dialogue between ideologies" sounds a lot like Clinton's "third way" bullshit to me, and I don't think I can take it anymore seriously with a tan. Let's just wait and see what the man actually does, shall we?

    As far as what I am, Steiny, I know it burns you up that I've switched, but I have, and I ain't going back. And I have that right without being looked down upon just as I respect you without agreeing with you all the time. I'm not just being contrarian (though I can see more worth in liberalism than the average conservative because I know the landscape more intimately) Obama and Oprah leave me as cold as Palin and her church leave you, if not colder. He'll be the president, and you know I respect that, but don't expect any "Yes We Can!" shit out of me after this display of fraudulant election bullshit. I'm not a lib - I won't try to sabotage the guy like they did Bush - but he's got some proving to do to win me, and a lot of other people, over - and I hope he will. That's one of those things you liberals don't give me (or anyone else) enough credit for.

    And finally, thanks for the thumbs up. I don't know how it's won a "very good" rating without generating light but, I'm sure, you'll tell me.

    Now call me - shit.

  3. And - oh - you seem to have missed that his own campaign called it, specifically, a "cult" (check my posts.)

  4. Look...Obama's thing is nothing like the Clinton/Blair ThirdWay; he's not trying to triangulate himself into a politically viable position- I think the man truly has an interest in promoting dialogue between all parties. And you can't have a dialogue until you lower the heat enough for people to be in the same room together without coming to blows.

    As to how I know what he's thinking, the answer is I don't...any more than you do. We all make assumptions, and that's harmless- it's merely shorthand for trying to figure out what he's gonna do. I'm with you on the wait and see approach. I will admit that I think he's up to the task; no one can accuse our President-Elect of stupidity or churlishness. IF he turns out to be great, then what?

    Finally, I have never and will never look down on you, regardless of your QUESTIONABLE political statements. The fact that I'm talking to you point by point should convince you of that.

  5. You know I love you:

    But you still haven't called me.

    Call me.
