"Israeli police have arrested a suspected cult leader who is believed to have fathered dozens of children by as many as 30 women. He is being held on suspicion of rape, slavery and incest.
Goel Ratzon, 59, brainwashed the women into staying with him in squalid, overcrowded flats in Tel Aviv, police claimed, following a seven-month undercover investigation.
Mr Ratzon was arrested on Tuesday, when police raided three apartments, where they found 17 women and 39 children.
Police said they have since kept him away from TV cameras for fear he may send secret messages, ordering the women to hurt themselves."
Rob Crilly, reporting a story that doesn't make
The Drudge Report very often - the tale of a real live cult leader being captured - one who might even be trying to send secret messages to women (Ooh, ooh!) like
The Telegraph.
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