"How has it happened that so many distinguished scientists around the world have got it so very wrong? Why is that more than a few of them think it’s OK to manipulate evidence, hide or destroy data after inconvenient [Freedom Of Information] requests, conspire to silence dissenting scientists, lie and cheat in official hearings, and generally engage in the kind of activities that those of in the non-scientific world had naively assumed that a real scientist would never do?
In three words: Post Normal Science (PNS).
Without PNS, the whole AGW scam might never have got off the ground. PNS was the evil philosophy that gave the scientists involved the intellectual justification to do the wicked things they did."
James Delingpole, probably not realizing what he's describing fits right into the subject this blog covers - cultism and/or cultish thinking - even though he's still right (he's always right about everything) which is why he's in
The Telegraph.
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