"Between-world spirits, reincarnated beings and plain old dead folks are casting shadows all over the network schedules. It's a good time to be a ghost on TV.
What does this say about the cultural moment? Why, from the new and truly awful 'Past Life' on Fox to the long-standing 'Medium,' reborn on CBS after being killed by NBC, is the medium overrun with mediums?
'It's in our DNA,' according to Stuart Fischoff, professor of psychology at California State University and Los Angeles bureau chief for Psychology Today. 'The questioning of the unknown, it's what the ideas of God and Mother Nature are all about. To help explain the unexplainable. These (paranormal ideas) are being exploited by entertainment, not created by entertainment.'
Peter Buirski, dean of the graduate school of professional psychology at the University of Denver, points to 'the existential idea of death anxiety' as a drive for our fascination."
Jim Carr, trying to explain why there's
so much woo-woo on television - leaving out the the idiots in Hollywood who are NewAgers and the fact others don't protest - but it's just the kind of question I'd expect from Colorado's
Mystic Bourgeoisie at
The Denver Post.
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