"According to the BBC, the Brits spend about $6.25 million annually on homeopathic medicine. The NHS has sanctioned homeopathy since 1948, and surveys have found that a large percentage of British doctors recommend homeopathic remedies to their patients. The NHS currently supports four homeopathic 'hospitals,' although those facilities have been shrinking and are now mostly outpatient clinics.
But that's nothing to what we spend on homeopathy here in the U.S. As the Associated Press has reported, almost 4 million Americans (2 percent of adults) spend an estimated $830 million on homeopathic products each year. And although Americans pay out of pocket for their homeopathic treatments, the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) did spend $3.8 million on homeopathic research from 2002 to 2007.
But NCCAM has apparently abandoned its research on homeopathy. 'The evidence is not there at this point,' the center's director, Dr. Josephine Briggs, told the AP.
Nor is that evidence ever likely to appear, for as NCCAM’s own website notes, 'a number of [homeopathy’s] key concepts are not consistent with established laws of science (particularly chemistry and physics).'
Now there’s an understatement."
Susan Perry, bringing the fight against homeopathy to the United States - without even mentioning
Whole Foods or France - but further proving the jigg is up, at
The Minneapolis Post.
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