"While the number of ‘proven’ errors in the IPCC report remains small, their impact is disproportionately large because the predictions were so high profile and so much a part of the public case as made by IPCC head Pachauri and even the UN Secretary General. More, the IPCC’s first (fatal) instinct was to malign and defame its critics rather than engage in serious discussions of the underlying evidence — discussions that soon would have demonstrated that in these cases at least the critics were right.
For now, the Brits are still ahead. While the American press is still reporting the basic news, the (strongly environmentalist and center-left) Guardian is asking experts around the world how the IPCC can be fixed.
Hint to the American press: this, guys, is what journalism looks like.
Al Gore, so far as I can tell, is meanwhile remaining silent; I guess when truth is really, really inconvenient it’s better that way."
Walter Russell Mead, with evidence - not of global warming or climate change - but the worthlessness of the Nobel Prize, which has finally proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it ain't in
The American Interest.
Nobel Prize for sciences is still legitimate.
ReplyDeleteNobel Peace Prize has been worthless for a long time (if not always.)