Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just Water (Mayhem, Monsters, And Matrimony)

I have said, so many times, that homeopaths don't give a damn about professional conduct, it gets to be a drag to do this blog sometimes, because I feel like I'm going over the same terrain, over and over, while watching people get killed, when the truth of what they're up to is right here, collected by me, in one place for all to see.

Now (surprise!) it seems the late Penelope Dingle's homeopath, Francine Scrayen, has been discovered to have gone off the professional plantation over the course of her so-called career:
"A probe into the death of Penelope Dingle, a 45-year-old cancer patient, in 2005, has revealed that she had gone in for a less popular treatment for the diagnosis, refusing to choose the conventional methods.

Coroner Alastair Hope claimed that homeopath Francine Scrayen had agreed to treat Penelope by going off the medical code of conduct.

The National President of the Australian Homeopathic Association Michelle Hookham said Mrs. Scrayen is currently enrolled with the institution.

"We do have codes of conduct and we are continually updating members and advising them of legal aspects", said Ms Hookham.

She however, clarified that the practitioner himself or herself remains responsible for adherence to the code of conduct.

Alastair Hope said that Francine Scrayen has always been inefficient in her medical practices.  She lacked in the professional expertise, as well.

He pointed out that William Barnes and Igor Tabrizian, who were the doctors approached by Penelope, should be questioned publicly.

He further revealed that the Penelope took the decision after studying enough about chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgeries.

He opined that the incident suggests that homeopathic treatments should not be legalized. He also urged the authorities to assess the alternative treatments. "
Aww, come on, how can you not legalize a so-called "medical treatment" that doesn't work, has no active properties, and is mostly supported by criminality, ignorance, and a nonsensical belief system? Puh-leaze.

Based on results like Penelope's, I think NewAge should be the basis for the entirety of Western civilization. Oh, wait, it already is.

My bad.

Anyway, the story gets better because, if you remember, Penelope's husband, Peter Dingle, is a kind of Dr. Oz of Australia (no, really, he's that crazy) and was found to be a harm to everyone - even himself! - but especially to his own wife:
"Mrs Dingle's husband Peter, a prominent toxicologist, was `a victim of his own misinformation' and had `no qualifications in health and wellness'.

Dr Dingle, who was a guest presenter on the ABC's Can We Help? program, had written papers arguing that chemotherapy was ineffective in treating cancer."
Sigh. When is anyone going to openly call these quacks criminals? Has anybody mentioned that, after he and this homeopath killed his wife, he went out and married another homeopath?

That kind of makes my ex-wife, Karine Anne Brunck, having sex with the quack that killed her mother seem kind of quaint. And it definitely fits a pattern.

Anyway, I see I'm not the only one who gets depressed over this stuff - an affect nonsense can have on non-believers that no one cares about, or takes into consideration, as the continue to allow this madness to go on. Listen to The Guardian's Martin Robbins:
"So we can't regulate these products as medicines because they'd end up being banned, but we'll let them be called medicines anyway? It gives me a headache just trying to think down to the level of the person who wrote this stuff.

The report accepts that there's no evidence that homeopathy works, but apparently this shouldn't be a barrier to it being distributed via the NHS because not handing out medicines that don't work might infringe the freedom of patients to choose things that don't work.

...What should they do now? As a near namesake of mine once said, I'd make a suggestion, but they wouldn't listen. No one ever does. It's all very depressing."
Indeed it is. And if it was his life destroyed by it (as mine was) or his family member dead (as mine and Penelope Dingle's family were) he couldn't come close to understanding the depths of our anger and despair.

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