Saturday, March 30, 2013

Women Consider Vomiting In Your Mouth To Be A Meal

It seems pretty obvious here - after being asked the "really good question" of whether a doctor should save a child born alive during an abortion - this Planned Parenthood spokeswoman doesn't want to answer because: 

A) Blood will begin to drip from the corners of her mouth when she speaks 

B) It'll be revealed she's actually the grown-up girl from The Exorcist, still under the control of Satan, or 

C) She's a lying, bloodthirsty, descendant of a clone, made from Adolf Eichmann's anus, which she can't reveal lest she lose her job, where - when it comes to making the trains run on time - she excels beyond all of Planned Parenthood's expectations. 

Meanwhile, yesterday, that goofy fucking blogging horror show, Ann Althouse, actually wrote that I should call my mother - the woman who abandoned me to the fates, producing this bundle of joy - "to thank her for not aborting." 

The fucking nerve. (This leads me to a further understanding of how narcissist's always continue to seek praise - reflection on anything other, than their own sense of their wonderfulness, is not their strong suit. They never point out their own faults - reasons why no one would want to thank them for inflicting themselves on us.) Word to your mother: 

To deliver a man into the Hell women have made, and then insist we regularly thank them for not killing us instead, is a nice twist on feminism's evil.

It's no wonder I no longer cry when I hear of father's wiping out their entire families - it's pretty obvious they got the impulse from their wives. This new "Mad Dad" probably got upset no one ever thanked him for not doing it sooner.

Well, sorry, Ladies - including that dust-filled cavity known as the Althouse - but I will not be calling anyone for a chance to taste death's second serving, thank you,...  

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to go with "she's all of the above" on that...evil fucking bitch (although that's putting it lightly) in the video.
    And no, I do not want my children calling me on Mother's Day and thanking me for not aborting I'm their mother -- it was/is my job to do that; you don't get a parade for doing what you're supposed to do! (although I do hope the grown up ones call's nice to hear from them and that they are doing ok, because yes, and this is selfish I know, but sometimes I miss them and worry about them...because, hey, my kids).

    *and that "call home and be happy you weren't aborted" thing is really fucking offensive to me (as a woman? hell, as a human being); almost as fucking offensive as that thing in the video, the organization she works for (I'm well acquainted with its founder and history), and the horrific thing it's advocating for, including the procedure that would cause such a thing (wanna puke? indeed!)
