Sunday, August 25, 2013

MMMMmmm: Race, Religion, And Juicy As All Get Out

Don't forget:

I've always advocated fighting fraud to stop or slow the other ills of society.

I don't know why it shouldn't work for race problems, too,...

1 comment:

  1. Just admitting to any uncomfortable truths, or that they are indeed out there, would be a good start.
    I realize this is difficult: it's like admitting that it's your Uncle Walter that goes around taking a big dump without flushing at other people's homes -- it's painful, it's embarassing...because no matter how much you may not like it, Uncle Walter is yours.
    But face up to it we must if we're ever going to get the stink out. Just a thought.
    Tough love, higher expectations, no more letting the bullshit slide (which means we have to be able to recognize and call out the bullshit artists -- hey, full circle!).

