Does VICE do This Week In Racism on their television show? There ought to be a program for this "colorblind" phenomena - began by Ted Nugent and Paul Ryan - of a weekly roll-out of some new flavor of (supposedly-deceased-and/or-previously-non-existent) racists, determined to have their say on the very subject they're equally determined not to understand.
Here would be this week's guest, from Salon:
Here would be this week's guest, from Salon:
This sociopathic demand whites not feel guilt (or anything else, really) is a never-ending trope of the colorblind racist. Here I am, for the umpteenth time, also refuting it - over two weeks ago - on Althouse:
"Nobody wants, needs, or is asking for your guilt - we want you to discover 'justice'."
That white racists are stuck on this straw man doesn't say much for their intellectual prowess, but, as Chauncey DeVega noticed at We Are Respectable Negroes, it says quite a bit about how language can be used in an attempt to distract from more salient topics:
That's it:
Every week I'd host a comedy/game show, featuring a different colorblind racist saying whatever he or she wants, in an effort to fool others (and even themselves) into believing they've sincerely pondered and heard America's most-important issues.
We could call it:
Every week I'd host a comedy/game show, featuring a different colorblind racist saying whatever he or she wants, in an effort to fool others (and even themselves) into believing they've sincerely pondered and heard America's most-important issues.
We could call it: