It’s kind of a trip to be the First Man Canceled™️, after I started criticizing the left - and especially the New Age movement - from all the way back in 1995.
Now, I get to watch everybody else going through it - the entire western world - except the new targets have money, publicists, a network of family and friends behind them to absorb the blow, the knowledge this has happened before, to famous comedians and other celebrities, and it’s happening to them publicly, in the media. I didn't have any of that. No one’s documented my odyssey, but me. The movement just worked me over, destroyed my life, and “moved on”.
Imagine losing your job, at a hospital of all places - or absolutely any argument - over astrology. Both have happened to me. And the latter, repeatedly. I’ve learned to stay away from those people. They're dangerous.
How about the 2012 “controversy” over the Mayan calendar? Seeing through that got me in hot water with a number of salesmen I worked with at a car dealership.
I repeat: I lost a debate with my friends over whether or not my wife can walk through walls.

This was all long before Greta Thunberg got a mural in San Francisco, but Tom Foremsky - an English friend I admired - gave me a book, called “Ishmael,” featuring a gorilla who talked about "saving the planet," to explain what I was getting wrong. I honestly still don't know what he meant by giving it to me,…when I was troubled that my wife was claiming she could walk through walls.
How different is the claim that someone can walk through walls to the claim there are 57 genders? Not much. Both are outrageous deceits and, in normal times, wouldn't be worthy of discussion. But, these are not normal times: this is the NewAge, and - for all the wrong-headed chatter about everything being “woke” - that's the one thing not being discussed. I see it in discussions of Steve Jobs: They talk about everything except the "popular" philosophy he used to kill himself.
They don't see it. They see "psychics" coming out of hiding - and doing a booming business. They see a bunch of someone’s into yoga - a Hindu religious ritual - and encouraging it everywhere they possibly can. They see Bill Clinton (Hillary's still married to a three-time rapist) got the ball rolling for questioning Medicine, and inviting-in quackery, when he made “alternative” medicine a thing, back-in-the-day. So now even water sits on pharmacy shelves. They can hear everyone screaming about vaccines, and even dragging RFK’s gravely-voice into the limelight.
But no one's talked about Jennny ("My son is my Science!") McCarthy and a spiritually-awakened Jim Carrey on Oprah. Or Robert de Niro's crack pot anti vaccine movie. And especially Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced quack (now living with Elle Macpherson) who got his medical degree taken away after getting this whole sick circus wound up.
They see everything - but a spiritual movement working around them.
But I see it. Like the people against reparations, the NewAge movement hopes to keep kicking the can down the road, until no one knows where it came from, or who’s responsible for what it’s done. But, I'm the man who dropped bread crumbs, all the way back to before the Harmonic Convergence. I still know how to unpeel this onion. I'm the First Man Canceled™️.
I still know how to get home.
Nice post, CE
ReplyDeleteDid you blog your bread crumbs? I'd love to read them and see how many I picked up on... So far I haven't found an archive on your blog so I haven't gotten more than a few pages back in your posts.
ReplyDeleteInteresting insight, crack. And living here in California- especially
ReplyDeletethe greater Bay Area - only exacerbates this sh*t.
ReplyDeleteThe author of the book "Ishmael" is an alum of Creighton Prep; my alma mater. But he was well before my time. Ted Turner gave him a big prize for that book.
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts on McWhorter's (among others) conception of wokeism as a religion? He makes a strong analytical case, ISTM, but then kind of just leaves it hanging there. I suppose that makes sense given that he - I believe, like you, Crack? - agrees with some of its tenets, and certainly has sympathy for some of its adherents. I got the impression that he'd just like the woke to find a firmer foundation, at least on some issues.
ReplyDeleteHe's calling it "woke" but it's the NewAge movement
DeleteI am very willing to accept that formulation! But how are you defining New Age? I haven't thought a lot about it so far.