Sunday, October 3, 2010

"I Was Interested In Finding Out About Myself"

It's embarrassing the BBC is doing this story, in this depth, while most American outlets - broadcast and cable - allow Scientology's open intimidation to continue without a mention - as they also promote it's celebrities. The media now has the words of ex-members - people who ran the cult - and, still, the American media say nothing of substance.

There's barely a clamor in the blogosphere, either, even though a suggestion to investigate Scientology's tax-exempt status was one of the most suggested ideas Barack Obama received, when he asked for them online. He didn't take the idea seriously, acting as though the subject was beneath him. As a matter of fact, to say cultism's a subject worthy of dissection at all, seems to be an indicator of kookiness to some, if not most, when received online.

It's definitely not as popular as homeopathic "medicines".

Any real dissection of cultism must necessarily go into areas most wouldn't consider, or find comfortable. What influence is having so many cultists in entertainment, and business, having on our culture? What are the messages within the roles cult actors choose or the songs cult artists sing - and why? Are there messages at all? How much of the brainwashing they've received has America received by extension? How much, of what certain segments of 21st century America value, can be found in cult doctrines? And not just from Scientology but also from est, The Landmark Forum, and every other "human potential" group and/or wannabe religion or cult leader, all acting on our citizens simultaneously?

How "free" have we actually been?

Why does the richest and most famous woman in the world, Oprah Winfrey, support Scientologists, when she has to know what type of organization they represent? Why can she do it for them - and many other cult-related entities - without serious criticism from the society at large? How and where are cults and cult organizations helping each other and why?

If their ideas are wrong, and following their advice is futile - like Oprah promoting The Secret - how much are they costing the country? What high-priced assumptions have we, as a country, internalized? The divorces, separating of families, lawsuits, everything - how much?

But, still, journalists appear to think, except in bit pieces thrown to and fro, there's no story here. Our guess is that's because, like Christine O'Donnell, they've all got a bit of the crazy belief business in their pasts, but - unlike O'Donnell - they've been conned to think it would be a mark against themselves (as hypocrites or "being judgmental") to investigate it now.

Well, that's cult thinking right there, because what a journalist is supposed to do is what needs to be done, to tell the story that needs to be told, to get the truth out because - whether you're the victim or it's someone else - there's nothing worse than living a lie (Screw Star Wars - that's The Matrix - Who's Watching The Watchmen?):

Was John Sweeny being followed? Of course he was.

Did this "church" - that's mysteriously exempt from paying taxes to America - set out to drive BBC reporter, John Sweeny, crazy? Yes it did.

Was the church willing to lie about it? Yes they were.

Then, damn it, what exactly do we have here?

We think we've got a cult - and there's many of them - and many major news stories to go with them, regarding who's in and who's out, and what they're up to. We think it almost goes without saying, that liberalism wouldn't be liberalism without them.

"Good Job" to John Sweeny, and the BBC, from TMR.


  1. Well, I just had an epiphany I should have had earlier. When the narrator stated how sex was forbidden with those outside the group, I said to myself “Yeah, that's a totally cult thing to do.” Then I remembered those Rock the Vote ads telling youngsters not to have sex with people unless they also supported Obamacare.

  2. So, the "church" teaches its followers effective communication techniques. Apparently that includes hurling foul language, at the top of their lungs, at anyone who questions or disagrees with them. Must be some highly evolved form of communication that I don't understand, maybe because I'm not at OT III level.

    Also, I guess my desire to drop kick the smug, self-satisfied heads of these asshats is the ultimate proof that I need their crazy brand of healing.
