"I remember my mother's pulling me from the tangle of sheets and running to the kitchen where my father stood. Through the large windows overlooking the yard, all we could see was the bright glow of flames below. We didn't leave our burning house for fear of who might be waiting outside," wrote Mr. Murtagh in the April 2008 issue of the City Journal.
It wasn't personal. John's dad was a judge presiding over a trial of the Black Panthers. The next morning, after the bombs exploded, John still remembers the red graffiti on the sidewalk: "FREE THE PANTHER 21; THE VIET CONG HAVE WON; KILL THE PIGS."

Today John Murtagh is a lawyer and Yonkers' city councilman who is running for the New York state Senate on the Republican ticket this November. I reached him this week through his state Senate campaign. It wasn't hard. Has Barack Obama ever tried?

"It's a sensitive issue for us. My mom is still alive - she's 83. She literally had to snatch her children out of the house in the middle of the night because her house was on fire," John told me.

In the Chicago establishment, which unfortunately embraced former domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and his wife, Barack Obama was encouraged to look beyond the obvious - John Murtagh, his family, their terror, the lawlessness, the attacks on policemen, judges, Army outposts - to embrace larger goals.

Mr. Obama's campaign is busy fudging. That's a polite word for "lying." Barack Obama's top political adviser claims he simply didn't know Mr. Ayers' history when they first met. Bomber? What bomber?

Mr. Murtagh believes the relationships between Barack, his wife, Michelle, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine, go back 20 years, to Michelle's time at Sidley Austin, the famous Washington, D.C., law firm that also employed Bernardine Dohrn.
Mr. Murtagh doesn't blame Mr. Obama for what Bill Ayers and his friends did and supported. He blames Mr. Obama for picking a man like Mr. Ayers as a friend and mentor - and then covering up the friendship.

"The night they attacked our home, they also firebombed an army recruiting station out in Brooklyn and police patrol cars outside of Greenwich Village," notes Mr. Murtagh. "Three weeks later they accidentally blew themselves up. They intended to attack the officer's club at Fort Dix."

-- Maggie Gallagher, giving voice to someone the "compassionate" and "fair" folks want to remain voiceless, in the Washington Times.

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