From astrology.com:
This isn't the best time to hit the party scene or meet lots of new people. Your usual, fairly ebullient personality is somewhat subdued for now thanks to some off interference from outside energy.

Relationship elevator going up. Today you'll want to spend more time with someone you find special. That's because today the stage is set for your relationships to improve and mature. If possible, try planning something unique with that someone special. And don't let outside influences interrupt your time together.

Although your friends may think that you are giving it your all, you know better. You gain power today when you hold some of your energy in reserve. Instead of trying to get everything out into the open, take it slowly. Saving parts of your story for later can intensify your delivery and make your case even more convincing..

Today you shouldn't be shy about taking credit for something you did. If you are worried that someone else will get jealous of you, don't. How they react to your adulation is their issue, and it's nothing you should take responsibility for. You should never turn down praise unless it's undeserved -- and the praise you'll get today is decidedly well deserved. If someone has a problem with that, they need to bring it up with the people heaping all the accolades your way -- not with you.

No matter how much you may want to hold on to something that belongs to the past you know it's not a good move, so be brave and consign it to the dustbin of history. The old always gives way to the new eventually, so move with the times.
Those were the first five I came across. I only see one pattern: the advice given in each reading would apply regardless of person or day."
-- Jeff Wagg, obviously missing the point, at the JREF.

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