The 50-year-old 'Basic Instinct' star is accused of 'overreacting' to medical issues involving son, Roan, by a Superior Court judge who has turned down her request to move the boy to Los Angeles.
A court document outlining Stone's bitter battle with ex-husband Phil Bronstein reveals she was also convinced her son had a spinal condition, even though there was 'no evidence to support this allegation'.
The details emerged in the court's 'Tentative Statement of Decision', which has been modified to give newspaper executive Bronstein primary custody of Roan, with Stone granted visitation one weekend every month.
Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo says in the document: "Mother appears to overreact to many medical issues involving Roan."
She adds: 'Mother suggested that Roan should have Botox injections in his feet to resolve a problem he had with foot odor.
'As Father appropriately noted, the simple and common sense approach of making sure Roan wore socks with his shoes and used foot deodorant corrected the odor problem without the need for any invasive procedure on this young child.'
The judge says: "Unfortunately, the problem caused by Mother's overreactions is painfully real for this child....
'Moreover, because it has come to a point where Father basically tunes Mother out because she has overreacted to so many alleged medical problems in the past.'"
-- A Daily Mail Reporter, allowing us a peek into the divorce, and the mind, of another confirmed NewAger, through The Daily Mail.
I just want to point out a few themes, common to NewAge, that stand out for me:
She was intensely focused on, and was willing to hurt her own child over, something as small as foot odor.
She imagined medical problems in others that she decided to cure herself.
"The simple and common sense approach" either never occurred to her or (more likely) was angrily rejected in favor of the latest trendy, expensive, and worthless NewAge fad.
Sharon Stone's emotional problems and delusions have negatively affected her child who I'm sure (in some weird way) she loves.
After loving her enough to marry her, her nuttiness eventually reduced her husband to tuning her out - which, I'm sure, she and her friends are holding against him.
No matter how unnatural and depressing it may be, for their own good, he and the boy must now struggle to learn how to go on without her.
She, of course, will quickly "move on".

Why do you connect her freakiness with New Age? I don't see anything New Age about Botox!