Noel Sheppard writes:
"If a Bush-bashing, Republican-hating nincompoop like Alec Baldwin understands that Democrats are responsible for the current financial crisis, and is willing to say so on national television, why can't America's so-called "real" journalists?
Although it seems unlikely that Baldwin watches "The Factor," it is awfully coincidental that roughly 24 hours after Fox News's Bill O'Reilly tore Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) apart for his role in propping up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the typically inept Baldwin, appearing on HBO's "Real Time," not only pointed fingers at Frank for the current crisis, but also blamed former President Clinton and fellow Democrats.
Maybe more delicious, this came moments after comedian Garry Shandling blamed it all on -- wait for it -- George W. Bush."
Yep. But as time goes on, Maher and Co. eventually steer the ship back off course, no matter what was just previously said that they all agreed with. I swear, how Democrats can't see their own disruptions, fecklessness, and lack of focus (as exhibited here) as a major cause of where we are today is just mind-boggling. Even when they admit it's their fault, they find the safe harbor of their hatred for George W. Bush, and turn that puppy around in a heartbeat, though they all have "hate is not a family value" bumper stickers on their cars. It's just an ideological shit sandwich, filled with hypocrisy, piled on top of hypocrisy, piled on top of hypocrisy, between two pieces of organic whole wheat with rye. And they expect us to eat it.
Well, sorry, but I'm not hungry.

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