Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Antivaxxers Got Their Start On Oprah (And Since Then It's Been All Downhill)


Here's Bill Maher from 2015, all skeptical of vaccinations, with longtime-antivaxxer (and Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey "spiritual advisor") Marianne Williamson, almost a full year before President Donald Trump ran for office. This episode's packed with deceptions from start to finish.

Here's four years later and Bill Maher's "Trump's 'Got Away with Treason' Tour" of 2019. Of course, this was also found to be a total lie. Televised. Nationally. Can you see where this is going already?


 Here's Maher's "Proof of Collusion", also from 2019, and not even close.


In 2018, he had Mitch McConnell in "The Party of Putin" - now easily seen for the total fabrication it is. A conspiracy theorist's-level conspiracy theory, even. THAT'S The Democrat Party TMR knows.


Then there was 2017's "The Kremlin Konnection". Not one word of truth to it. We're talking American television, here, People. Fed by a trusted atheist.


Then, finally, here's Ol' Bill, projecting "The Great Disappointment" out to all of us, which says we're in a cult if we don't accept the altogether 100% bullshit he's been pushing at us for the last four years (if it doesn't square with the evidence of our lives) when, what he really knows is - if we do accept it - we've already been sucked into a cult: a political cult called The Democrat Party.

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