Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Hitler Was A Vegetarian


This is Emily Kohrs, the NewAge Jury Foreman for Trump's Georgia indictment. She doesn't look like much, but she is a reminder, even waifs are a mixture of good and evil: no different than the Nazis. If that seems like an extreme turn to take, I'll remind you it's one of the main lessons of World War II: humans accept what's not true (usually without challenge). They ignore or dismiss evidence, many times for mysticism. They're weak to dogma, mythology, and propaganda. And they act on what beliefs they form from terrible sources. Myself included. So, it's not a stretch for me to picture this young lady like this.

As someone who doesn't fit the ideal they purport to represent, but appreciates New Thought, Madame Blavatsky, and studying all the world's belief systems, and maybe even creating something of their own for today. A power in a fallen land, now under the influence of the NewAge movement, becoming so unethical, and so illogical, other citizens are rendered immobile. We feel little need to comment on it. We feel little need to do anything. Why demand anything of evil people who don't understand the concept of Do The Right Thing? They've already got what they wanted, as no one's punishing them for anything, and that's all that matters (to them) so there's nothing to be gained from wasting words. Especially when we'll be dead soon enough, anyway. Let them have what they've created. We know where this leads.

Putting distance between us, and allowing the fanatics as little opportunity to get near as possible, seems to be the only way to live out our later years, that are now, solitary, brutish, and - despite few trusting science anymore - longer than expected. 

An extension to this, so someone can exploit and abuse us - holistically - what a concept.

The U.S. is now MLK's American Dream, experienced as food poisoning.

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