Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Blind Side (To Spirituality In Politics)

The same people to honor and celebrate Hillary Clinton's Russia hoax doubt Michael Oher is telling the truth about his life with the Touhys.
Few (including the Touhys apparently) consider Michael Oher could just be confused, while Hillary Clinton ain't, as she relentlessly cackles over America's dark comedy. 


I laugh, too, because this is America - as it is - and it's enough to make anyone laugh.


We laughed through the Reagan years,...


...and we laughed through the Clinton years, too. 


All of our corruption is Democrat, so it's hard to go wrong if you point to the Clintons.


 Without the Clintons, we wouldn't have a lying Jake Tapper. Not for the last seven years, anyway.


Or Rachel Maddow? Come on: She's been a nightmare while we're awake. Remember Election Night, 2016, when she assured us we're "not in Hell"? But now, here she is, presenting everything backwards and upside down - like she's been the one holding us in Hell! 


 And, so far, Hillary and the NewAge Nazis seem assured we can't stop any of it. 


 But, rest easy, because their kind's been wrong, many, many times before.


  1. I haven't been following this closely enough to have an intelligent opinion. Do you think it was a deliberate scam, or that the "parents" felt that they were getting the reward they deserved for being "saviors"? I've seen much smaller versions (i.e., without movies, division 1 football, etc.) of this kind of situation at first hand, and it seems to me that the adoptive parents, particularly the mothers, come to believe that the only reason the child has any success is their control over him--with all the racial and cultural resonances that has. Is that what you are getting at here? (Trying not to make this sound like a bullshit trap question, and I worry that it does. You are one of the only people pointing out how much of our failing culture comes from New Age, so I am interested in your insight.

  2. I think the Touhys are innocent of knowing (as the author of The Blind Side said) they were guiding Michael Oher, first, to a glamorous football school where he wouldn't get an education, and then, into the arms of Hollywood, and an "accounting" system depriving him of his due. But, I also see no reason why Michael Oher should be grateful, since the film is a lie that will play throughout eternity, taunting a man without an education, while someone else - anyone else - gets his money. I can easily see him becoming paranoid, and suspecting everyone of anything, every time it plays anywhere. Couldn't you? The greatest thing that ever happened to him was all a con. THAT would make a great Hollywood movie.
