Sunday, August 13, 2023

What's The Problem With Conservative White Guys?


Why don't conservative white guys act like the white guys who get along with everybody? Conservative white guys are always telling everyone else to act like them, because they've been successful (leaving out all the historical advantages everyone knows American society boosted them with) so why don't they listen to anybody white who's being successful at getting along with others? Where's the conservative Bill Burr Fan Club? Blacks seem to love him. So what's the conservative's problem? 


How did Louis CK get so enlightened on racial issues, when conservative white guys seem to have huge problems? How is he so gracious, while they're so viciously hostile? Is it because he's part Jewish? Part Mexican? Or is he just a better class of person than they are?


White conservative guys often think they have to come across hardcore, and racial differences can't be mentioned, because they're "colorblind" - which is the opposite of what black people want from them. We prefer they be decent people who can make intelligent observations about the collective situation we're in.

I don't get that watching Fox News. 


Tim Gaither loves black people. Announces it. You don't see that very often. Love's not a sentiment I hear from conservative white guys. They usually want to know something that'll start a fight, like why black people don't live their lives according to one line in Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech. (Hint: Martin Luther King made more speeches than that.) 


White guys who can handle black people, without getting upset, are unique and deserve to be emulated. The ones who know the difference between a real criticism and just some "woke" bullshit. They're cherished. But that is NOT most conservatives. Conservatives think there is no real criticism. And that, all by itself, is a problem. 


Because racism, past and present, is real. And effects us all, whether we realize how or not.


Slavery lasted roughly 250 years, with Jim Crow going for another hundred. And now we're here. Or, as Louis CK says, slavery ended after two old ladies lived and died. That's not very long ago. So, if you don't have some, almost collective memory of all of that coursing through your bones, somehow or in someway, then I don't know what kind of American you are. 


As they read this, I'm sure there are many people who forget Quakers and abolitionists were white people who were always vehemently against slavery and the oppression of blacks. Are you going to tell me there's no one else carrying on that tradition today? Or deny their numbers have always been small?

That's America.


Their numbers have always been small. So the "majority" as a concept is what it's all about. And all I'm saying is some white people handle being the majority more gracefully, today, than others. And they're not the Republicans demanding blacks leave the Democrat party. I ended up going Independent, and a Trump supporter, because I just couldn't take Republicans anymore.


And white conservative dudes ought to take note, because it is to today's abolitionists - not the Greg Gutfeld's trying to tell us we're wrong - that I am eternally grateful for. Because - really - without the rest, black people like me would probably go crazy.


  1. You seem annoyed by white conservative men who exist primarily in your imagination. I don't know these guys.

    1. Who you know does not define conservative men
