Friday, September 1, 2023

Bully For You


Right after Marianne Williamson established that Bill Maher talked about the poor but doesn't even go where they are (above) John Mellencamp got slammed by Bill Maher over Mellencamp's claim only ‘1 or 2%’ of black people today live better than slaves. This prompted Instapundit's Sarah Hoyt to chime-in with "liberals don't understand history." Which, to TMR's ears, makes both Bill Maher and Sarah Hoyt sound like they have more invested in dissing liberals than a nation that produces even rich Rockstars, completely ignorant of their surroundings (or rich Rockstars who might spend more actual time with how the poor live than both Bill Maher or Sarah Hoyt,...). 
The reaction to Juneteenth celebrations - a long established fact for blacks - shows that liberals aren't the only ones in America who don't understand history. America doesn't understand it's history. America puts so much emphasis on producing money, it's also producing rich idiots, and feels smug about it. For example, look at Oprah: never met a con she didn't like (see Marianne Williamson, at the top) but she's been made into one of the richest, and most beloved women in America for it. She won the Medal of Freedom. Not for being wise, or skeptical in an age of widespread fraud, or even being any good for the nation, but for gullibility, under a hypocritical cover of focusing, almost exclusively, on material goods while spouting "spiritual" pablum. That's worse than anything John Mellencamp ever did. But, inexplicably, America is proud of Oprah. Probably thinks that's how everyone should live.

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