Sunday, February 4, 2024

Blinded (By The Light)


Sometimes, it's kind of hard to understand how the United States functions, after something like RussiaGate, that is never fully adjudicated. Like Bill Clinton's rapes, RussiaGate was a heinous crime, committed against the American people, and the world, in broad daylight. And yet, we're still forced to listen to Bill and Hillary Clinton, as though they've done nothing, and had nothing but good intentions for us all. How does that happen? How does something so profound occur in American history, right before our eyes - over decades - but the perpetrators are allowed to go on, as though nothing's happened, while we're all stuck, holding their bags at a Barbie screening, living their lie? 


A Lieutenant colonel, noticing there's a "communist/Marxist, cult-like spiritual impulse" in this country - and admitting it's messing up the U.S. military - is not something most Americans see or hear every day. Unless they read TMR. Then they see it, and hear it, all-the-time. And, they know, it's messing up everything. 


"Berg" sounds too much like "birthright" for comfort. It was a super-creepy American Jewish pedophile, by the name of David Brandt Berg, who invented the cult practice of "flirty fishing" that is described, here, as a tactic, used by Zionists, to rope-in and brainwash young people from around the world. Their lurid post-Oct 7 fascination with rape and so forth makes more sense, once you realize Zionism is a cult, involved in cult practices such as this. Again, like RussiaGate: It's happening right in front of the world.


Last thought: Do you grasp how wildly hypocritical it is, for Zionists to first demand the world identify with Sobibor: The Concentration Camp That Fought Back ("We fought for revenge") but then demand we condemn the Palestinians for doing the exact same thing, just as ruthlessly, against the Zionists? TMR: the Zionists want us all to break our necks from ideological whiplash.

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