Saturday, February 3, 2024

Influencing: If It's A Cult, They Can't See Cults - If It's NOT A Cult, They See A Cult

In 2008, the New York Times did an article on (the now late) Louise Hay, who they called The Queen of New Age. It unknowingly illuminated the cult deception, going on through the media and American "spiritual" circles, "though you may not know it": 

  "Though you may not know it, you live in Louise Hay’s world. Are you a black man who thinks psychics are nonsense but reads the affirmations of Tavis Smiley? Hay House has a special imprint just for Smiley. Are you a TV-loathing snob who occasionally condescends to watch PBS? The pledge-drive specials that Hay House has produced for Wayne (“Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling”) Dyer have helped raise more than $100 million for public television — they are one of PBS’s most-successful fund-raising tools."
So what other cult deceptions have been going on "though you may not know it" - and why and how? Backing up what TMR's been saying abnout Apple Computer's first influencer, a year ago Steve Wozniak declared, "Elon Musk wants to be seen as a ‘cult leader’ just like Steve Jobs" [bold emphasis mine]. 

Yet society still promotes Steve Jobs - the ‘cult leader’ - as the ultimate influencer to be emulated.


  "This is a movie about a cult!" that starred Taylor Swift - one of the most excellent influencers ever.

All of those cult influencers, above, have let it be known they hate Donald Trump. Meanwhile - even though the nation's top cult expert has said, unequivocally, Donald Trump is NOT a cult leader - here's what the media's selling on behalf of all those who hate him: 


So that's how it's done now. White is black and black is white. When Shane Gillis is done rebranding Bud Lite, Trump needs to hire him as his influencer. It might be his only hope.

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