Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The U.S. Under George W. Bush: Steadily Growing More Unpopular By The Minute

Gordon Brown launched an extraordinary American charm offensive last night in an attempt to mend fences with George Bush over the Iraq war.

In a striking change of tone, he embraced the legacy of Tony Blair by revealing he would have stood alongside the American president to depose Saddam Hussein.

He risked dismaying some of his supporters by setting out a passionate defence of the war as "the right thing to do".

On his way to New York at the start of a three day visit to the United States that will take him to Washington and Boston, the Prime Minister lavished praise on America.

He tapped into American resentments by repeatedly singling out "European colleagues" such as France and Germany who "did not support President Bush in Iraq".

-- From The Daily Mail

Let's see now - what have I been saying recently? I don't know. Something about America's ability to gain "respect" in international affairs? Something about us "doing fine" without begging other nation's for friendship? I'm not sure. I must be having a "brain fart" of some kind.

Or was that YOU?

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