"Bush is,...an easy target for all three current candidates — none of whom have any investment in the president’s legacy.
Consider that the last president in a similar position was Harry Truman. He left office with an approval rating in the 20s, and it took years before historians revised the,...negative and mostly unfair view of him.
Last week, I asked a fierce Bush critic what he thought were the current unemployment rate, the mortgage default rate, the latest economic growth figures, interest rates and the status of the stock market.
He blurted out the common campaign pessimism: “Recession! Worst since the Depression!”
Then he scoffed when I suggested that the answer was really a 5 percent joblessness rate in April that was lower than the March figure; 95 to 96 percent of mortgages not entering foreclosure in this year’s first quarter; .6 percent growth during the quarter (weak, but not recession level); historically low interest rates; and sky-high stock market prices.
There are serious problems — high fuel costs, rising food prices, staggering foreign debt, unfunded entitlements, and annual deficits. Yet a president or vice president running for office (and covered incessantly by the media) would at least make the argument that there is a lot of good news, and that the bad that offsets it could be shared by a lot of culpable parties, from the Congress to the way we, the public, have been doing business for the last 20 years."--
Victor Davis Hanson, history professor, stating the obvious (to anyone not suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome) on the
National Review Online
Yes, Democrats, years from now - but, I predict, not too many - you're going to have to pretend you
liked George W. Bush. But, believe me, there's no way I'm going to believe
you. Remember: I lived through it too. And you seriously betrayed your country.

I saw it with my own eyes. I witnessed something I thought I'd never see in my lifetime, except in old news footage of the 60's, and that was my country (this greatest of countries) gone mad.

All in all, it could've been worse: Hell, all I lost was my wife, and some friends I probably could've done without anyway - if they couldn't take my word (against Miss Information with her love of U.F.O.'s). But, though my personal pain hasn't subsided, I'll walk again.

And America will rise again. And the lying dogs of the Left will claim they were a major part of it. But, unlike after the Vietnam War, no one's gonna be listening this time. And I, most definitely, will
not have your back.

All the lies you charged this administration with - starting with the president stealing the election - none of them panned out. But you didn't let that stop you.

You made mountains out of molehills and gave comfort to the enemy.

I remember, early on, Vice President Cheney said a reporter from the
New York Times was an "asshole" and, over time, the
Times more than proved what it was: a well-written rag that's not to be trusted - a Left-wing paper
filled with assholes.

Instead of just accepting Abu Ghraib for the national disgrace it was, you turned it into a cause celeb for idiotic self-rightousness, and a rallying cry for the enemy. Over the last 8 years, you knew no shame.

But as VDH's stats (above) show, things were never as bad as you said, and the only thing you hurt was the United States -
your home - and yourselves.

So, like the boy who cried wolf, no one's ever going to believe you again.

Not that it matters, because you will be marginalized, to the point where no one's even going to hear how much you scream, and whine, and moan.

It will be acknowledged as par for the course for your kind - "Liberals", people will skoff - and the American people will go back to doing what Americans have always done: making this a truly better place, for those escaping the horrors of the outside world, to arrive.

It's only May and your last hurrah is already over. People are telling "Methodist" Hillary to pack up her crystals, and her gurus, and all her betrayed "friends", and join Bill at home,...where he will never be.

MoveOn.org's astrologer will have to go back to that line of work, maybe getting a position with Miss Cleo. You know, open a storefront, or something.

Barack Obama is claiming he's not naive, and knows what's coming, but I don't think he's been allowed to see the Democratic Blooper Reel the Republicans have been amassing over the last eight years - featuring everyone, from common liberals on the street to members of Congress, calling the President of the United States a Nazi, an idiot, and a mad man, in wartime. And with Barack Obama's mug, front and center.

Once it's over, maybe he'll be able to trade notes with Clarence Thomas on the ruthlessness of high-tech lynchings. Maybe not.

I feel for you, Democrats, I really do.

We'll have to lock all the windows and hide the silverware for a while, I'm sure, because I know from experience you don't handle being wrong very well.

And the idea the party - your party: the
Democratic Party - is
done for isn't going to go down easy. But you did it to yourselves, Ye Of So Little (true) Faith (in anything but your own bluster). You sank your battleship.

Years ago, a friend and I made a bit of money by sticking some pinbacks on a bunch of concrete we put in ice cube trays and heated up in the stove.

They made nifty little buttons for the Industrial Music crowd, that we sold as "something concrete" they could hang onto, since they always predicted the world was going to hell.

I'm thinking about doing it again, before the general elections, but I'm putting the idea out there in case some enterprising Democrat wants to get a head start on the sense of doom that's about run, like wildfire, through the blue states once the big show in November gets underway.
That was "Something Concrete".

You're gonna need it.
how come no one leaves comments.
ReplyDeleteThey do, but it's intermittent. I put up a lot of posts, so it takes a few days for the regulars to catch up. (They have lives.) If you scroll back a few days, or go way back, you'll see.
Religion and feminism are, usually, the hot topics.