"Obama’s real, quite verifiable and public religious background (and mentor) was not even mentioned by the Secretary of State - namely, the execrable Reverend Wright. That is far more disconcerting than some vague Muslim association (whether by birth or otherwise) and indicates a lack of judgment on Obama’s part that any person of gravitas (like a Colin Powell) should find difficult, almost impossible, to defend. Yet the racist Wright, we all know, was Obama’s chosen minister for twenty years, married him, baptized his children, gave him spiritual guidance and provided the inspiration for his memoirs - even the title of the second one. It’s hard to imagine a closer relationship with a pastor, except perhaps a spousal one.
...Powell ignored this, although Obama’s initial reluctance to separate himself from Wright was evident to the entire world - not to mention the candidate’s bizarre assertion that he had not until then realized the reverend’s extreme views. It was at that point many of us knew that Obama was not, to use Powell’s words, 'a transformational figure,' unless by transformational you meant dishonest."—
Roger L. Simon, noticing the cultish way Barack Obama's lies get a pass - seemingly everywhere - except at
TMR and
Pajamas Media
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