"Remember back in 2006. all the talk of scandals involving House and one Senate (later cleared) Repubilcans? So saturated were the media with coverage of their misdeeds that even now two years later, I can rattle off their names of the supposed miscreants, Mark Foley, Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, Bob Ney, Tom DeLay and Conrad Burns.
Yet, how many Americans, outside those who read conservative blogs, check ABC News or live in Tim Mahoney’s Florida district have heard of that Congressman’s problems as well as those of his House colleagues Robert Wexler and Charles Rangel?
Not to mention that Rahm Emanuel, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus whose leader, Speak Nancy Pelosi vowed 'to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history,' had 'been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting the candidate’s re-election campaign.'
Oh, yeah and given the recent mortgage meltdown, let’s not forget the 'Subprime Six,' the five Democrats (and one Republican), including Christopher Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and Kent Conrad, Chairman of the same institution’s Budget Committee, who got sweetheart mortgage deals from Countrywide before that lending institution’s collapse.
I guess Democratic scandals just aren’t newsworthy."—
Gay Patriot West, catching what
has to be the theme of this election - the media's hypocrisy by ignoring the many crimes of the Democratic Party - which they wouldn't do for a
Gay Patriot
You don't get it, do you?
ReplyDeleteIts not that the Republican Party is adrift - they're disintegrating.
Nobody likes a loser - thus, the media has turned against them, the donor, professional and pundit classes have abandoned them, etc.
You cant run a party without money or attention, thus McCain's fate this year was practically sealed beforethe race even started.
Nobody wants to be the last one on the deck of the Titantic so they're all getting while the getting is good.
What's left? The uninformed, the uneducated. Born again Christians and other true believers like youself. Walmart and Sam's Club shoppers. Etc - the rabble. Highschool graduates, blue collar workers, the "Heartland," country music fans, etc.
America still needs 2 parties so I do look forward to seeing what emerges in the G.O.P.s place. But I do think it will look very different from the coalition that propelled the G.O.P. to power in the glory days of Reagan. I suspect it will be something much more modest, much more downscale.
You don't get it, do you?
ReplyDeleteIts not that the Republican Party is adrift - they're disintegrating.
Nobody likes a loser - thus, the media has turned against them, the donor, professional and pundit classes have abandoned them, etc.
You cant run a party without money or attention, thus McCain's fate this year was practically sealed beforethe race even started.
Nobody wants to be the last one on the deck of the Titantic so they're all getting while the getting is good.
What's left? The uninformed, the uneducated. Born again Christians and other true believers like youself. Walmart and Sam's Club shoppers. Etc - the rabble. Highschool graduates, blue collar workers, the "Heartland," country music fans, etc.
America still needs 2 parties so I do look forward to seeing what emerges in the G.O.P.s place. But I do think it will look very different from the coalition that propelled the G.O.P. to power in the glory days of Reagan. I suspect it will be something much more modest, much more downscale.
You know, Anon, you're incredible: you say the Republicans are disintegrating - for it's crimes, real or imagined - and you happily do it on a post about the current crimes of the Democratic Party, like the media's abandoning of it's duty, to the American people of either party, is a good thing. That's wild. You must have a heart as black as Hitler's, if this is the kind of thing that fills you with glee.
ReplyDeleteYou know, one of the coolest things about this election, from where I sit, is that it's not over yet. I get to receive all these smug, over-confident, e-mails from libs with extremely short memories:
In October of 2000, you thought you had it - with a far better candidate - he was 20 points up, and it didn't happen.
In October of 2004, you thought you had it - with a far better candidate - he was 15 points up, and it didn't happen.
It's now October again, and you think you've got it - with a candidate, and a party, with more potential to blow it than I've seen in my lifetime - and no matter which poll you look at, he's not nearly as up in points as the last two, but, once again, you're still a bunch of cocky delusional idiots. I'd think, by now, you'd learn but no. Instead, you replay your losing hand like it's never happened before. It's truly amazing how dumb that is.
If the Democrats win, you will have gotten 4 out of 11 presidential elections from the last 40 years. I think, with that record and the Democrat's history of over-reaching, you hardly have a reason to gloat. All you'll have done is saved your party from oblivion. But you ain't won it yet. And even with the media on your side, as it obviously is, there's no guarantee you will. Remember:
We've seen this movie before.
Mark Foley, Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, Bob Ney, Tom DeLay and Conrad Burns...
ReplyDeleteCleared? You are kidding, aren't you? Or do you merely mean exonerated in your own mind?
You can paint whatever picture you like of the Democrats and Republicans, and there will be a few who see them the same way you do. You can even tell yourself that's how most people see them. But you're wrong. And we'll just have to wait until after the election to see just how wrong.
Lee Allen,
ReplyDeleteCan you read? He said there was one - 1 - cleared Republican from the Senate. Duh. If your reading skills are any indicator of your political knowledge, then, baby, you've got a LOT to learn.
Democrats: a laugh a minute.
Mr. Emcee, I guess you can't see how badly obsessed you are with Democrats in general and Sen. Obama in particular. You even think that your obsession is the product of some great intelligence and exceptional reading skills. You seem to delight in any rumor about Obama, no matter how many times it is disproved. At the same time, you will accept any excuse to justify even the worst behavior of any Republican. If you honestly believe this is an intelligent approach, I feel sorry for you. Whether or not you believe the things you write, or that other people write and you parrot, I feel sorry for anyone else who is narrow minded enough to believe you. You are a perfect example of the talk radio mentality that most Americans are laughing at nowdays.
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you.
ReplyDeleteY'know, I was just sitting here, watching my stats - as they're going through the fucking roof! - and thinking I had finally achieved some kind of "perfect storm" of information flow for people. You know: my regular fans, mixed with random folks streaming in from other sites, plus people that have me on their blogrolls and such.
Like here's a new posting on a Canadian medical blog (I think) that's booming:
And my buddies at Death By 1000 Papercuts ain't doing bad:
And you should LOVE the blogroll at Panda Bear, M.D.:
And those are just the first three I came across.
Kind of makes all the liberal efforts to demoralize me worth it.
Keep it up.
You flatter yourself if you think anyone cares enough to want to demoralize you. All I care about is that people who read your rants have the brains to check your claims instead of just taking your stuff at face value. If they will do that, they will be able to make intelligent decisions. If they don't, they might just sign on to your own screwy way of looking at things.
ReplyDeleteCome on, Lee: I choose exclusively reliable sources. Sometimes, if I'm dealing with NewAge shit for instance, I might have to cross-reference fringe sites to prove the information's validity, but I keep all my shit above board. Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not a wing-nut, or a conspiracy theorist; I'm just a guy who thinks for himself and won't let diversionary thinking turn me away from what I know: my foster parents taught me that and it's valuable information that most people - who've chosen to rebel against their parent's teachings - don't have the benefit of, leading them to do stupid shit that knowing a thing or two could've spared them from. Just ask John Edwards.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, think what you want:
I'm here to help.
...Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not a wing-nut, or a conspiracy theorist; ...
ReplyDeleteTheres a reason that opinion is so popular. You just don't get it yet.
Here's some info about a dem who's up for re-election today in PA, John Murtha. Let's hope he goes down in flames:pass this on.
ReplyDeletethe link to the following info is:
Posted by William Teach on October 8, 2007 at 7:57 am
John Murtha has accused our troops of being cold blooded murderers.
(Murtha photo via California Conservative)
Is there anyone more disloyal to the Marines then John Murtha, who is, as the MSM likes to point out all the time, a former Marine? Of course, let us not forget that he said "One Marine was killed and the Marines just said we’re going to take care – we don’t know who the enemy is, the pressure was too much on them, so they went into houses and they actually killed civilians." Yet, the Marines involved have continued to be exhonerated, and now we find out, via Stop The ACLU, from Warchronicles
Buried in the mountain of exhibits attached to the once secret Haditha, Iraq murder inquiry prepared by US Army Maj. Gen. Eldon A. Bargewell is an obscure Marine Corps intelligence summary (see pdf) that says the deadly encounter was an intentional propaganda ploy planned and paid for by Al Qaeda foreign fighters.
Veteran military defense attorney Gary Meyers said he never understood why the Naval Criminal Investigative Service special agents leading the Haditha criminal investigation didn’t “examine the linkage” between Al Qaeda, the local insurgency and the events at Haditha. Meyers was an attorney on the defense team that successfully defended Justin Sharratt, a Marine infantryman accused of multiple murders at Haditha.
The report – apparently overlooked by a Washington press corps awash in leaked Bargewell documents and secret Naval Criminal Investigative Service reports – shows that Marine Corps intelligence operatives were advised of the scheme to demonize the Marines by an informant named Muhannad Hassan Hamadi. The informant was snared by 3/1 Marines on December 11 2005 and decided to cooperate.
The media has ignored it, and Murtha certainly will, as well. And where are the Democrats calling for an investigation into what happened, to "get to the truth of the matter?" None of them will be seen, that’s where. They will hide behind their slanderous statements and disgusting anti-military rants, with the Old Media not only protecting them, but attempting to bolster their hatred. Let’s not forget, back in April 2007
This officer, described by senior Marine Corps superiors as one of the best and most dedicated intelligence officers in the entire Marine Corps, was in possession of evidence which provided a minute-by-minute narrative of the entire day’s action — material which he had amassed while monitoring the day’s action in his capacity as the battalion’s intelligence officer. That material, he says, was also in the hands of the NCIS.
Much of that evidence remains classified, but it includes videos of the entire day’s action, including airstrikes against insurgent safe houses. Also included was all of the radio traffic describing the ongoing action between the men on the ground and battalion headquarters, and proof that the Marines were aware that the insurgents conducting the ambush of the Kilo Company troops were videotaping the action — the same video that after editing ended up in the hands of a gullible anti-war correspondent for Time magazine.
Can we call the Democrats and the Liberal media un-patriotic and anti-military yet? Also known as "being a traitor."
Also weighing in are Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, Miss Beth’s Victory Dance, Wake Up America, Hot Air, and Prarie Pundit.