-- Steve Diamond, the main blogger the "bored" NYT discussed Barack Obama's connection to Bill Ayers with (three times) on his blog Global Labor and Politics.
Also, one thought that keeps leaping out at me, regarding the arguments of the Obama campaign, is the timing:
All of Barack Obama's legislative accomplishments (which weren't all his alone) took place in the last two years of his being an Illinois Senator (a job he held for 8 years, before becoming a United States Senator for 143 days, and then launching his presidential campaign). What was he doing for the previous 6 years? We know he voted "present" more than anyone else. And it was a talk with his political "godfather" in Chicago, Elvin Jones, that alerted him, if he wanted to become a United States Senator, he'd need his name on *something* to move forward, which seems to have been his only goal in government - not helping the country.
Obama has been trying to divert attention by saying he was only 8 years old when Bill Ayers was bombing the country, never mentioning he was an adult after 9/11, when Ayers said he "didn't do enough" bombing, and, together, they were serving on the board of The Woods Foundation. By that time, he had already served directly under Ayers on the board of the Annenberg Challenge (Steve Diamond, in the link above, says Obama was "hand picked" by Ayers) and it's been revealed that Michelle Obama worked with Ayers's wife, the terrorist Bernadine Dorne, all the way back in 1987 - proving the two families have a long history and share an apparent meeting of the minds when it comes to political goals. What are Ayers's publicly stated political goals? Bringing down America and destroying the capitalist system. I'd say, as the #2 guy to reap financial rewards from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Obama got over $181,000 - Barack Obama is playing his role very well. John McCain, by comparison, got only $21,000 and is on record as trying to stop the mortgage crisis years ago.
The Obama campaign is throwing out the 20 year old Keating Five Scandal as proof John McCain is craven and doesn't understand the economy. What they don't mention is John McCain was exonerated in Keating Five and was completely transparent with reporters and the public when the verdict came back, exonerating him. So what's the point of bringing it up? To further distract the public from questioning who Barack Obama is and what he's been doing hanging with so many terrorists, criminals, racists, and other unsavory types.
I'll have much more later, but for now, keep an eye on the timing of Barack Obama's political moves: he hasn't been around that long - most people didn't even know his name until recently - so his campaign's lies (and that's what they are) are very traceable.
And he can't wiggle out of all of them.

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