Thursday, September 6, 2012

He Just Goes On And On And On (But I Don't Have To,...)

My first thought while watching this had nothing to do with Bill Clinton, the current president, the current election, or speeches. My first thought was that I'm looking at a stadium full of people who understand how this married former president cheated, how he screwed over his wife, how he screwed over his daughter, how he screwed over the woman he cheated with, how he slandered her name, how he told everyone she was crazy, how he lied to his friends, how he manipulated his friends to lie for him, how he lied to the nation, and how he lied to the Grand Jury. So they don't care that he got impeached because - damn that proceeding, damn that woman, and damn any phony baloney "War On Women" rhetoric - they forgive him. As far as they're concerned, the woman in that whole ugly fiasco might as well not exist because, to them, the entire incident doesn't exist.

This is Bill Clinton, and that's all that matters.

And then, just to rub it in, they have the nerve to applaud his mention of an "alternative universe."

That takes balls. But, because of Bill Clinton, they've ALL got 'em - and they're permanently blue.

Why am I watching this collection of trained seals? I have no idea. The man's a liar. That's my first actual thought about him.

It sums up his performance.

1 comment:

  1. Despite all their efforts at myth making at the DNC, the Dems only reveal they consider government the highest form of order, they booed God, and Woodward's new book show Barack Obama as a Beta Male. Which is far worse than him losing his temper.

    And Bill's speech was not intended to re-elect Barack Obama. It was intended to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016.
