This would be laugh-out-loud funny if it wasn't such a travesty of justice:
While I can hardly get anyone here interested in homeopathy, overseas it's all they're talking about!
Meanwhile, on a cult site, they're spreading the usual garbage mixed with truth:
Homeopathy has become quite the hot topic as the second largest method of medicine in the world and the fastest growing. Its presence is a constant in many countries across the world.
Just a Few Homeopathic "Hot Spots" Across the Globe
In Europe, over 40 percent of all physicians use or refer patients to homeopathy. The most popular medicines for colds, the flu, and allergies are homeopathic, with remedies in France available at all local drug stores. The Royal Family's personal physician is a homeopath.
In addition, millions in India, Asia, Latin and Central America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan, and many more use homeopathy as their primary care.Man, that's a LOT of gullibility and death, but I won't go into why this is all morbid sillytalk - I just want the opportunity to reprint this line:
"Powerful for epidemics,…"
There - right there - that's advocacy for murder. Killing people.
Giving the sick and dying water for medicine, as is happening for the AIDS crisis in Africa and cancer patients around the world.
And nobody here gives a damn.
But, somehow, we think we're different than the Nazis. Ha!
And oh, BTW, it's being reported that "Dietary supplements baffle even hospitals.":
A patient is diagnosed with brain cancer. She sees a slew of doctors, including a doctor of holistic medicine who recommends a combination of 25 different dietary supplements. The patient then reports for her first chemotherapy treatment with 25 bottles of supplements in a giant plastic bag. When the nurse asks the patient for a medication list, she dumps the bag in the nurse’s lap and says, “Here. I can’t remember what they’re called.”
What should the hospital do?
That is a question hospitals and physicians wrestle with all too often as dietary supplements gain popularity. Nearly 40% of adults in the U.S. use some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy, including dietary supplements.
There is often little scientific evidence to support the efficacy of dietary supplements, but that does not stop some patients from insisting that they work.
He's just the kind of leader we need,...

Looking at the countries on that list, I wonder how much of it is buying into quackery on the part of the people and how much of it is due to a lack of healthcare?
ReplyDeleteThat's what concerns me about these healthcare mandates (which both parties are pushing): it would be very interesting to correlate the rise of "alternative medicine" and the lowering of access to traditional medical care. It would also be interesting to see just who stands to gain monetarily from such a thing (this is one of the reasons I don't think Mitt will do a blasted thing about the healthcare mandate, in fact, he could really push it -- in the direction of his and his cronies' investment portfolios).
On a personal story side: back with my second child I had to go in for surgery, and one of the first things my ob-gyn and the anesthesiologist asked me (grilled would be a better term) was: have you taken any supplements? Suffice to say they were not fans of anything beyond a multi-vitamin (and even that they considered not really necessary for a healthy adult who had a good diet and no extra factors). I can remember them both remarking that some of the most toxic people they came across (so toxic that surgery sometimes had to be delayed until they detoxed) were health nuts who took herbal supplements (the takeaway quote was: here's somebody who on the outside looks like the picture of health, but they are for all intents and purposes poisoned). This was 20 odd years ago; wonder what it's like now?
And once again, I've seen the same thing in the world of competitive horses and dogs: they'll come close to killing those animals (and probably have) pumping them full of supplements that are thought to give them a competitive edge -- always happens there before those supplements (or therapies -- acupuncture and the lot was a big thing in that world here in the States long before it became popular with people) make the jump to people (which, from what I've seen they usually do within 10 years). Some of the stuff is truly horrible stuff as well as a big waste of money.
Speaking of Nazis and other assorted totalitarian bastards that like to brainwash people into their sick occult riddled reindeer games, did you happen to check out the cover for the new National Review?
There's a picture worth a thousand words in a shrink ward. It's like the product of a Norman Rockwell and Leni Riefenstahl deranged love tryst on the planet Xenu or something. wtf Nat'l. Review, wtf?!?
Between it and the '08 Obama as Che poster (which should have tipped anybody who isn't a retarded hipster off that something just wasn't quite right, oh wait, forgot his primary voting base), a person could write a paper about the course of American socio-politico-cultural downfall right there.