Sunday, February 23, 2014

Conservatives Keeping Us In Caves With Rank Racism

This is not a picture of Ted Patrick.

A pastor has a message, for all the Wingers out there, still resisting the snapping. Here it is:

Mormons don't make good historians.

Meaning, you could be getting it backwards, and all the evidence says that's so. For instance, someone who thinks himself quite knowledgable told me this, yesterday:

This is Laurence Fishburne, not Samuel L. Jackson.

Fortunately, TMR delivers on the promise of Black History Month:

You read it right.

In 1863 this black woman successfully planned and led American forces in battle.

That makes two of us.

Do you have better evidence of what this country has lost - and how far behind we are as a nation - by depriving blacks our rightful place in it?


  1. Because you are a comunnist traitor who helped elect communist traitors to office you are evil.

    Any attempt to defend yourself shows:

    1) how evil you are.

    2) how stupid you are.

    3) how divine and honest and physically attractive I am compared to those who don't think as I do.

  2. "The more one proclaims how guilt-free they are in this racial system (including those who are minorities, who have their filters, just like anybody else), the more one reveals the depth of one’s complicity in that system, and one’s “guilt remains.” No one gets off the hook, for the very sense that one is free of racial perceptual filters and biases comes directly from those very perceptual filters and biases."

    ! ! !

  3. Buckley, consider the Combahee Ferry raid.

    The raid was conducted by black troops under the command of white officers. The commander was Col. James Montgomery, a former close associate of John Brown in the Kansas wars. Harriett Tubman accompanied the raid and had provided most of the intelligence that made the raid a success.

    The raiders brought back about 800 black slaves from the plantations on the Combahee to Beaufort, S.C. They arrived at Beaufort on the dock in late morning.

    By nightfall every able bodied adult black male in the group had been inducted into the United States army. The men were separated from the women and children (their wives, families and friends) and taken away for training.

    They were treated as volunteers in army records but they were not volunteers. They were impressed into the United States army. Montgomery regularly did this to build up his command.

    Now it is quite possible that these black men would have ended up in the army anyway. They had to do something to survive. If not in the army, they would have been paid laborers for the military of would have worked in the fields of the still active plantations in the Beaufort area that were now run by the federal government or carpetbaggers who had acquired the land. But in fact they were given no choice.

    These facts are never related in the usual summaries of the Combahee raid. Nor is it related that some of the slaves on the plantations were left behind, right on the shore, some actually wading out to the Union ships as they steamed away.

    Yes whites fought and died to win the war, but the treatment of blacks by Union authorities was not a good story at all. They were exploited severely. Then abandoned to their own devices, which at the time were sparse, as Reconstruction unfolded.

    Overall it's not a very good basis for a claim of defense of white conduct.
