Sunday, February 23, 2014

I Am The 7th Child From 1 Woman (With 4 Different Men)

Your christmas' and birthdays and other holidays are going to SUCK.

The kid described below is lucky, because he knows all his siblings:

By age 8, he’d had two step-dads; his brothers and sisters had more or fewer based on birth order. Each child also had different numbers of siblings, depending on whether their own dads fathered other children. Ott has one full sister, four half-siblings and at one point had three step-siblings “that I know of,” he said. His own father has mostly lived far away.

"Are you my Daddy?"

Baby Mama City, Baby:

"Don't worry about where your brother is - did you wash your hands?"

Despite the fact they're all together, and probably eat better, it still must be confusing either way,...

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