Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Oh No, Jerry Seinfeld, You Don't Get Off That Easily

Gazillionaire comedians, getting all huffy and defensive, and trying to pretend you're not a playing the game, won't work, Freak. Where did Stewart get this footage Mr. I'm-Just-Into-Funny? The Koch Brothers? Don't be mad, be glad:

I'm about to straighten you out.

Stewart got that footage from the real world, with the census and the quotas and your "black" friend, Chris Rock, because that's the one protecting our lives and even your flimsy ass career.

These white folks have real short memories but, I know, you know what I'm talking about.

Did you forget blacks have to live with you - damn it, racial breakdowns? Where is your mind, man?

Nobody was asking nothing from you but for a kind word.

Instead you, of all people, pretend you're above it?

Fool, you're in the public eye.

And we see you,...

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