Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Timeline: If The Civil War Solved Race Why'd MLK Die?

It's becoming very apparent, to me, that whites are using a very different social measuring stick than blacks are, with whites starting from the Civil War, and blacks starting from yesterday:

To that point, America was a violent, gluttonous land that had only known two years of peace in its short existence. The indigenous Central Americans (Aztecs & Incas) were extinct. The Native Americans were on the brink of extinction. The buffalo would soon be extinct too. American men killed & stole everything they desired. 

The next 87 years brought forth the extinction of many species of plants & animals, the destruction of most natural resources, the decimation of farming as crops & cattle were cultivated to the brink of extinction, and the explosion of industry.  [Black people were still slaves, reclassified as "indentured servants", and still picking cotton as late as the 1940's]

Add in the words "shut-up" and that sounds about right,…


  1. Lemmings, run, run run little Lemmings! Follow Haz who is in competition with Trooper Pork for head Kahuna of Lems blog. Lem they are pirating your blog, you obviously don't care, or are too lazy to take control of your own blog. So they shall be Hazlings and Porklngs, Lemmy has no courage so the blog really shouldn't even have his name in the header. Rejects from the Althouse blog, hahahahahaha!

  2. Speaking of coward, good to see you supporting your friend, Meade.

  3. Jealousy plays a huge part in this continuous war with Althouse and Crack by Trooper York and associates. He can never be as succesful a blogger or writer as Althouse or Crack. He is a failed human being i many ways. He uses manipulation of the weak minded to set himself up as some sort of faux celebrity. If a person would view him in a real world situation with open eyes, he would clearly see a foul mouthed racist and sexist pervert. Perhaps his associates are of like mind. Why seemingly intelligent people are not able to see through the layers of fat to the dark heart that beats sickly in his chest, indictates that those whom he surrounds himself with are as morally bankrupt as he is or simply stupid followers. Probably some of both.

  4. They hate that they are no longer welcome to partake at the banquet. They are unclean and have defiled the Sanctum Sanctorum called human decency. They are low, creeping, snakelike, slithering along the path of life, instead of walking upright, they no longer are able. They despise the light, they despise goodness, they despise one another. When they no longer have outsiders to abuse they will tear each other to shreds. It will be a sight to behold! Oh Lemmings you furry snarling mangy little creatures, led by snakes in the grass, you will reap the folly of following an evil dark hearted fat man. The fat man with the black heart, beware, your days may be numbered, repent of your many sins. Guttony and Envy being foremost. Cry out to the Almighty and beg forgivness! I forsee a fitting end to the King Snake, he will die with a lemming stuck in his throat.
