Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wisconsin's Holy Rolling Religious Rapists Are Wrong In Requesting Reparations Not Be Reflective Of Reality

Considering the way Wisconsin treats blacks, and kids, I'm starting to wonder if whites add something to the water:

I know one Milwaukee white guy who went a little nuts during the Bush years, and Madison's still on that tie-dyed "nonjudgmental" NewAge hippie/college town kick, so that might not just be Kool-Aid they're ingesting.

Not when even the men in dresses, perversely molesting Wisconsin's kids in the name of Jesus, are allowed to announce what they're "prepared" to do - after everyone knows what they've done? Really? They must be high.

Maybe Madison's Althouse is so optimistic she can flip that switch to sunshine, but TMR says to castrate the priests (that's what we're "prepared" to do) which may be obscene, but - along with confiscating the church's money - there's the extra-added benefit of the priests redeeming themselves via their public demonstration in not being stingy when and where it matters. 


I mean, heck, let's really build on that:

 If they're cooperative, leave 'em $100.00 on the dresser,…

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