Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Democrat Party Likes Rapists More Than I Do (It's The ONLY Explanation)

Former First Lady, Hillary Clinton, with her husband, President Bill Clinton - a well-known rapist - still accused by four women loyal to the Democrat Party, which seems to be hoping America will forget what he did, if they keep harassing President Donald Trump over whatever they can make-up about him.
Oprah Winfrey and Ava DuVernay, gaslighting the American people for Netflix, that The Central Park Five rapists are innocent.


CNN's Anderson Cooper, also promoting The Central Park Five, because CNN is a "news agency" that (apparently) doesn't believe in research or fact-checking.
Oprah Winfrey also promoted John of God - convicted for raping four Brazilian women, accused of raping 600.
Oprah Winfrey kissed Harvey Weinstein - a convicted rapist.

Hell, Oprah's even been procuring for them.


While CBS News spreads lies as far-and-wide as possible.

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