Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Media Is Media No Matter How Racists Try To Dress It Up (As Something Clever)

Can't say much about "news", right now, since the Democrats have reduced it to the formless mush (they wanted and need) again. A few things do stand out that TMR thinks are worth noting -  but there's no need to note them - because, it's come to our attention, that what TMR says,...simply doesn't count. 
You see, according to PJ Media, TMR is an "anonymous and low-follower" type of publication, and those obviously don't matter in the Crip vs. Blood popularity contest/bloodsport, currently surrounding so-called journalism and political ideas in America. Especially if that status is a direct result of being correct, and having better ideas - and even saying so - when all the others are wrong. They really don't like that, and will punish (ie: marginalize, ostracize, shut-out, etc.) anyone who does so (wink, wink).
What does it really mean for TMR to notice (just as the right is going after "woke" and not Bill Clinton for multiple rapes of a now-ancient vintage) that Roger L. Simon, the founder of PJ Media, had to (racistly?) wait for a talk on race at the Yale School of Medicine, to finally declare "Yale Is Dead—and That’s a Good Thing"? What does it really mean, when anyone who reads TMR knew the Yale School of Medicine (and Schools of Medicine at a whole lot of other universities) died a long time ago, after selling out to the NewAge Movement - and reached that conclusion, not on the racially-charged subject of race, but how they're dealing with actual medicine? 

Should TMR's paltry few readers say "Thanks" for the (over-a-decade-in-coming) heads-up, there, Rog? Or, maybe, ask aloud if the "PJ" in the title of their publication stands for "prejudiced"? What?
We kid. Listen, TMR's been reading PJ Media a long, long time, but - with Roger L. Simon & Co.s disgusting-and-too-predictable prejudices always so prominently displayed out front - all that can be said about them is PJ Media is always just as late, and just as useless (if not more so) as all the other "media". So, that might as well be what TMR's got for you - as "news" today.

We'll try to do better, tomorrow.

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