Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cult Of The Damned

"The men you always see,...are to a person passive-aggressive, sadistic, mean, little, petty beta-male pieces of work who would not naturally succeed in a common male-type hierarchy. By that I mean an environment that values straightforward achievement rather than the darker political arts.

That statement is in no way meant to exclude women. In fact, I work with many women who succeed just as well in this environment. It is just a shorthand for an environment that values achievement and straight talk,...

...Everyone knows what they would be getting into: constant war rooms, personal attacks, spin, daily damage control,...temper tantrums, placing your own integrity out on the ledge,...I would argue that nobody who hasn't already sold their soul years ago would ever want to be a part of that mess."

-- Chris Richard, in a letter to Camille Paglia, on the type of men Hillary Clinton surrounds herself with.

To TMR, this is a, completely accurate, down-and-dirty description of liberalism as practiced by both sexes. Camille Paglia describes those around Hillary as a "cult".

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