Saturday, April 5, 2008

I Like Me - I Really, Really, Like Me

“Mr. Obama, a charismatic candidate who has made large numbers of Democratic voters feel good, and this is even more important to them than specific perceptions of him.”

-- Andrew Kohut, commenting on how self-interested Democratic voters are in the latest polling, in the New York Times

"This was supposed to be all about us!"

-- Gail Collins, making the same exact point - in the same exact paper!

Why, with so much Left-wing narcissism going around, it's like we don't need a country at all. And, if we follow the impulses of the Democrats, we may not have one anyway. But they'll always have their smug-assed "feelings" - as sickening, capricious, hypocritical, and uninformed, as they are - and isn't that what really matters, you mirror-entranced fucking jerks?

I don't know how you can stand yourselves. Wait - yes I do - I was married to one: you just don't think about it. Or anything else,...must be nice.

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