Chronicling The Crazy Results Of Crazy Beliefs On A Crazy Civilization
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Barack Obama Is A Big Black Idiot
I’m all for people, especially when they’re young, learning other languages. I’m doing a Rosetta Stone in Italian right now, myself.
But my goodness, comparing 300 million Americans (many of whom have no need to learn “French, German,” and rest because our own country is so vast and interesting they feel no need to leave it) to much smaller countries, interconnected on a continent (where learning other languages seems necessary) is a rather low blow, and it does not take into account the following not-so-subtle fact:
Americans did not need to speak French to save that nation…twice.
Americans did not need to speak German to save the lives of our vanquished German enemy over a long, brutal winter with the Berlin Airlift.
Americans did not need to speak Polish or any other language to liberate concentration camps.
Americans did not need to speak anything but the language of honor and compassion to bring aid and comfort to a tsunami-torn land.
Americans did not need to speak Arabic or Urdu to take down a tyrant and liberate his people from the scourge of terrorist insurgents, or to help them to form a democracy that - if you read papers outside of the US - seems to be stabilizing in just a few years.
Americans did not need to speak any of the African languages to help foment real change in a land where people die from mosquito bites, and from an epidemic plague of AIDS.
Is America perfect? No, far from it, but I’m damned sure we are not so awful, so pathetic, so ignorant and backward that a presidential candidate needs to get up on stage and jeer at his country and countrymen for their lack of so-called sophistication to his “sophisticated” and self-hating supporters.
Sophistication is empty and insubstantial. It does not save lives. It does not free people. Sophistication simply dresses well and knows not to choose the chianti. All very important in these serious times, right?
I don’t know, this guy is supposed to be so brilliant, but every decision he makes, he decides was probably not the right one (”yeah, I won’t let my kids be interviewed anymore…” - hey…good idea!) and he doesn’t seem to like his country or his fellow Americans very much.
I’ll take the dumb, liberty-lovin’ Texan and his moist-eyed patriotism over this fellow’s schtick, anyday.
-- The Anchoress, once again proving she doesn't have to leave her lair to know the world better than a certain idiot of the negro persuasion.
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