What did we always hear about the Nazi cult? "It couldn't happen here" they said. I say it is happening here, but in a different form - it's NewAge in feel and scope. True, these aren't Nazis, per se, but we have heard people say they'll at least riot if they don't get their empty suit candidate of choice. I've also heard whispers of Civil War. Whatever. Folks, if we don't understand what we're dealing with then we can't do anything to stop it. It's not enough to keep saying "This election, with this candidate, is different." We have to call it by it's name: this is a political cult, coaxing us to "change" and "believe" in a campaign that makes no sense. I've said it a billion times, in a billion different ways, and now I'm saying it again. Denying it is a cult is what it needs to live. This is a cult - made up of different movements - and it's building on itself to engulf us. And Barack Obama is now it's leader.

-- Nancy Watkins, an international student adviser at the Maharishi University of Management, talking about Barack Obama. (link below)
"...Nobody joins a cult. You join a self-help group, a religious movement, a political organization. They change so gradually, by the time you realize you're entrapped - and almost everybody does - you can't figure a safe way back out...."
-- Deborah Layton, Survivor of Jim Jones' People's Temple [Underlined emphasis TMR's]

A potent myth-maker, Obama is also a limited one. His New Age shamanism tells us less about where the country needs to go than about the spiritual emptiness of those among our elites who have been so quick to anoint him a new, secular messiah. The irony is that these same elites have used a draconian reading of the First Amendment to relegate the oldest and richest traditions of our spiritual culture to an obscure corner of the public square, a kind of refuse bin for slightly disreputable hand-me-downs from our benighted ancestors. They now look to the new swami to effect the miraculous regeneration of a spiritual waste land their own policies have helped to create."
— Michael Knox Beran, writing in the National Review Online.

The Cult Of The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The Cult Of The Secret
The Cult Of Oprah
The Cult Of The Weather Underground
The Cult Of Obama
The Cult Of The Daily Kos
The Cult Of Hillary Clinton And Her Supporters
The Cult Of Louise Hay And PBS
The Cult Of Mumbo Jumbo
The Cult Of Global Warming
The Cult Of The NewAgers
The Cult Of Barack As A Lightworker

scared??a cult??maybe you should get out more.obama is not a cult leader he is a real leader unlike his counterpart mc cain.do you like our economy??just keep on writing this uninformed stuff and maybe you will get your wish!stop being scared and open up your eyes and see what the future looks like~
ReplyDeleteScared? You must be joking. Not even. As a matter of fact, you starting off with that lame idea - that anyone would be afraid of you - tells me you're in the cult. I wrote about liberal projections of fear, already, here:
That, plus your immature, inspirational babytalk ("open up your eyes and see what the future looks like") nails you as a cultist.
Go be amongst your own kind, there's nothing for you here.