"President-elect Barack Obama's newly appointed chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at a time when scandal was brewing at the troubled agency and the board failed to spot 'red flags,' according to government reports reviewed by ABCNews.com.-- Steve Bartin, of Newsalert, who got it from my fellow Jammie Wearing Fool.
According to a complaint later filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Freddie Mac, known formally as the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, misreported profits by billions of dollars in order to deceive investors between the years 2000 and 2002.Emanuel was not named in the SEC complaint but the entire board was later accused by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) of having 'failed in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention.'"
Ladies and Gentlemen, I promise that I, for one, will not abuse your trust - or your money - but first you've got to give it to:

Emanuel is the new president. He'll be calling the shots from now on. Obama is a silly front man, who doesn't realize he is being used, and actually seems to believe in his own blather. Emanuel is the type who will be fine with the "Messiah" grabbing the credit, as long as he gets his.
ReplyDeleteNo, sure didn't take long for the puppet-masters to come out of the closet.
Change that "O" to "0".
Now, can we possibly get Emanuel bounced? And so screw up the plans of the Judaeo-Masonic plutarchs that pulled off this coup?