Friday, February 6, 2009

This Is A Man's World (Women Want Superstition)

"The news consumption survey,...found that Limbaugh's audience included a greater share of men than the audiences for any other news or opinion outlet included in the survey. Fully 72% of those who said they regularly listen to Limbaugh were men while just 28% were women.

The news consumption survey found that women outnumbered men among those who regularly listen to religious radio; 69% of religious radio listeners were women, while just 31% were men."

-- The Pew Research Center For The People And The Press


  1. My dear friend, I must apologize for not either commenting nor linking to you of late -- the reason is, you're posting so prolifically that my poor computer is overloaded. Bandwidth, and disk space, are concepts with which I know I must be aware, but which prevent me from being able to proceed.

    You post so many things I'd love to share. But my computer has its limitations, *sigh*

    Any advice?

  2. Ha! And I've been laying back, getting adjusted, after moving away from The SF Bay Area!

    I don't know what to do about the bandwidth problem but, if you keep me smiling like this, you can feel (a little) better knowing you've once again made my day.

    Really: you're hot.
