Friday, April 3, 2009

Size Matters

"As you probably know, this whole MMR causing autism myth started when a hilariously flawed and consistently debunked study by Andrew Wakefield was published in the Lancet - and more importantly, was picked up by the Daily Mail and Melanie Phillips began the uninformed scaremongering. And then the cases of mumps rocketed.

I’ve actually been looking into Wakefield’s methodology, and have conducted a study myself using it. And the results are quite amazing: it turns out that being a fan of Andrew Wakefield makes you a dick. I’ve even got a graph that proves it:

The results are pretty conclusive  - the trend is very clear. The bigger fan of Wakefield you are, the more of a dick you are. Now, I know there may be 'MMR sceptics' reading who might dispute this - you might argue that correlation does not prove causation, or perhaps allege that my research was completely fabricated or not conducted properly. If that’s the case, I ask you: why are you holding me to a higher standard than Andrew Wakefield?"

-- James O'Malley, adding "scientist" to his list of accomplishments, as James O'Malley: Living Legend.

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