Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Many Lies Of Mitt Romney (A Series) Part I

I'm starting with this one because it shows the extent of the cover-up surrounding Romney. This lie rocked Utah, and especially the cult's believers, since - from their perspective - it was so outrageous it was worthy of making the news:

For political purposes, Mitt Romney had admitted Mormonism was built on a fraud. 

Now keep in mind, the cult owns the news channel here, so this was big stuff. Also, notice the reporter who got Mitt in trouble asked the question perfectly - she wasn't attacking his faith, but she left him no wiggle room - he either had to tell the truth (and look like a fruitcake) or he had to lie, to maintain his political viability. So he lied - and shocked the rubes.

But the best part is - even though he's denying the whole basis for the LDS charade - the "church" never held it against him, and is still supporting his quest for power over us on their behalf. Nor has this, or other examples of Mitt Romney blatantly lying made the news in this current election cycle, even though I found this on YouTube with little to no problem what-so-ever.

 And it's only the beginning,...

1 comment:

  1. Either way, he's lying.

    I can see that becoming the slogan, the sarcastic remark, once Romney becomes president. (which I think he will be, and which I'm no more looking forward to than 4 more years of Obama)
    Good piece of interviewing there -- pity it's so rare.
