Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blowing Smoke

I just glanced at Hot Air and there's nothing mentioned worth talking about - which is funny, because they haven't run out of posts, the poor things. Nah - there's no more money - so what must be done will be, the only question is how quickly we adapt.

I can wait,...


  1. Well, Americans are highly adaptable mofos, so I have reason for optimism there. However, they may not adapt in ways that some would like -- which is something we'll all have to adapt to.
    I'd prefer we kept our American-ness (a sort of Bugs Bunny on crack, or meth, out there-ed-ness, that defies categorization or limits) and adapted in our unique manner rather than changing from the top down -- as then we would be, well, France again (or just pick any country in Europe -- most of those dorks are such sheep about everything it isn't even funny -- unless you were running three card monty on them, then maybe hilarious; still, something that would be highly troubling if Americans gave into it completely).

