Sunday, November 3, 2013

Drifting Off-Structure


  1. Hey Crack, what would you do without Shitting Thomas dropping his turds of wisdom on your blog? He assumes you don't know what you are doing, very condescending isn't it? He has no idea that your intelligence, insight and talent far surpass his.

  2. I wish you the best Crack. I am sorry things have gotten so bad for you.

  3. […]the median wealth of White families is $100,000; for Black families, it's $5,000. The belief that Whites achieved this 20-1 wealth advantage […]

    I don't believe these numbers are correct. In 2010, the Urban Institute reported the average black American family's wealth to be about $100,000. That was down from what was about $150,000 at the beginning of the Obama administration.

    Btw, why would there be a gap in wealth and income between black Americans and hispanic Americans? Is it due to some remnant of slavery? Is it more of a hispanic thing to save - the key factor in creating wealth? Does it have something to do with homeownership? I'd honestly like to know.

  4. I see part of my problem was seeing "median" and thinking "mean".

    Anyway, the ratio of white wealth to African Americans/Hispanic wealth in 2010, according to the Urban Institute study was 8-to-1. Not, as reported here, 20-to-1. That's a pretty large discrepancy.

    Also, since they break it down along racial/ethnic lines, why no Asian Americans? Seems a little racialist, no?

  5. Wait one more minute. I just finished reading the entire article you linked to. Written by: The Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam was established by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to support and bear witness to the teachings of the Messiah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    Uh, Crack. I think you have some explaining to do. Can you say "new age cultish propaganda bullshit lies"?

    I bet you can.
