Saturday, December 14, 2013

Laughing At Kanye - As The New Steve Jobs - Really?

Do I have to explain this - again?

That some don't know, what they're doing, doesn't mean everyone doesn't.

They've been told lies and choose to "believe" them.

Last year, screaming "bigotry," they defended whoppers as their own new mainstream.

But now it's time for all that to end.

Actually - it's long past time.

So roll with the punches - let's get to work.

1 comment:

  1. Were the olde timey Mormon's right? Do you feel that G_d (I'm afraid to write *his* generic pseudonym) is punishing the black race? Is he giving extra heaps of blessing to us celtic/viking descendants?

    In any event, Kanye never said he was the new Jobs. He said he would be the SJ of culture wsith a billion dollar company. Apple is north of $600B and Kanye never said he would get to that level. It's like you saying you will be the Glenn Reynolds of whinging black unemployed bloggers with a visual slant. You have achieved that, but you are no Glenn Reynolds. That's what Kanye's talking about. Being some kind of minor popular culture mogul where he dominates that relatively insignificant niche of business.

    Still, nimrods are loving to be able to make snide comments that if you read between the lines scream "you will always be a *n-word* rich monkey shucking and jiving for the white folks."

    The key to being white is plausible deniability.
